tisdag 28 augusti 2007

Rainbow presentations at the Gothenburg Book Fair

Supported by Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency‘s Baltic Sea Unit – Visby

Nordic rainbow cultural workers ………………………….….

www.tupilak.org info@tupilak.org

Rainbow presentations
at the Gothenburg Book Fair

Thursday, September 27
17.40-18.00 Erkki Otsman, Estonian cabaret artist (large stage)

Rainbow Mingle at Nordic Rainbow Council/Tupilak Stand 18.00- 19.30

Music and poetry: Oyvind Rauset + 1 (Norway),

dekon/rekon - book-burning group (bokbrännargrupp) (Sweden).

Friday , September 28
15.00- 15.20 Rainbows banned in School Rooms (large stage)

17. 20-17.40 Rainbow Battles in the Baltic (large stage)

Saturday, September 29
14.40–15.00 Rainbows knocking at UN Doors (large stage)

17.00-17.30 Rainbows in Muzzles (little stage)

7th Nordic Rainbow Council Workshops at the:

Museum of World Culture (10.00-12.00)

Thursday, September 27:
“Spotlights on Lithuania and Poland”

Friday, September 28:
“Spotlights on Estonia and Latvia”

Saturday, Sept. 29:
“Over the Baltic Rainbow – the yellow, brick road to solidarity”

“Swedish Pol-Balt Network – the path so far, future plans”

Sunday, September 30:
“Rainbow Humanism – challenging religious dragons”

”Culture vs. Rainbow Politics – allies or adversaries?”

“Nordic/Baltic Co-operation with Belarus, Russia”

ILGCN/Tupilak Travelling Art & Photo Exhibition


ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network)

Information Secretariat - Stockholm www.ilgcn.tupilak.org

torsdag 8 mars 2007

To Nordic colleagues on both sides of the Baltic Sea:

Member of the ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network)
Member of the ILGA (International Lesbian & Gay Association)
c/o Tupilak Box 2315 103 17 Stockholm, Sweden
www.tupilak.se info@tupilak.se

March 8, 2007

To Nordic colleagues on both sides of the Baltic Sea:

Following the very successful raising of the Nordic rainbow flags at the Gothenberg Book Fair last September, we invite you to join us raising the Nordic flags at:

  • Baltic Square in Visby, July 12-23, 2007
  • International Square at the
    Gothenberg Book Fair, Sept. 27-30, 2007

(*working together with over 60 Swedish solidarity and human rights organizations at the biggest annual cultural events in the entire Nordic region.)

Join us at the Nordic Rainbow Stands and on stage* Help us man the stands and meet the public, and share the registration costs (hopefully none as we are applying for financial grants!), display your information and publications *.discussions, films, poetry, art & photography, invited foreign guests*.under the theme:

"Nordic Solidarity with Rainbows under Siege and Rainbows in Chains -- on the rainbow barricades in Belarus, Russia, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania."

Please get back to us if you're interested!

Bill Schiller, international secretary

Note: Deadline for registration for the
International Square -- March 5
Proposals for stage performances
and presentations -- April 5

The Nordic Rainbow Council works together with:

Tupilak (Nordic rainbow cultural workers)

Nordic Rainbow Humanists

ILGCN (International Lebian & Gay Cultural Network)
Information Secretariat - Stockholm.